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Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 10 months ago


The idea of prototype meetings is to test what we already have and develop it through conversation and action. This is an experiment, but don't worry, we won't make you take your clothes off or pretend to be a tree or anything - we're just going to talk about the idea and try to open up as many possibilities as we can. However, if you're *really* not comfortable with experimenting you might want to wait until more of the safety net is in place.


Please edit this page - that's why I put it on a wiki. The only bits you shouldn't change are the bit in red below or change the things that people are bringing :)


The first one will work like this:


I have booked the Forum Room at Bloomsbury Central Baptist Church from 10.30 to 12.30 on Wednesday 21st November. Below, I'm listing some suggestions for things you might like to bring along. Please choose something from the list or else bring something else Note that the list includes making a financial contribution to paying for the room. I will also be asking for contributions, but you should only pay if you feel you've gained something from the event - so a contribution of £0.00 is fine but no refunds will be given :)


What will we do?


  • We will make sure that we all know each other and that we're comfy
  • I will outline my thinking (and doing) so far
  • We'll talk about that a little bit
  • We'll talk together in smaller groups about the bits we're most interested in (See my list below)
  • We'll talk about what we'll do next
  • We'll clear up and leave



Things you might bring...


One of the principles for the café that I'm keen on is that we're self-supporting. I'd like you to bring something that will make the space feel more like our own for the two hours we have as long as we can return the space in as good or better condition than how we find it. The room has chairs and tables but I haven't asked for them to be put out in any format. There is an urn for boiling water and there is coffee/tea available but we can also bring our own.


I think it would be nice if people could bring at least one item from but check the list of people below so that we don't all bring sugar:

  • a mug
  • coffee
  • tea
  • biscuits
  • sugar
  • cake
  • cushions
  • a blanket
  • a fold-up chair
  • pictures to put up (temporarily)
  • flowers
  • fairy lights
  • things to write and draw with
  • things to write and draw on
  • a contribution for the pot


this list is neither exhaustive nor prescriptive - if none of us bring anything but ourselves, the meeting will still go on.


Add your name and what you're planning to bring.


Lloyd Davis - a mug, things for writing & drawing (with & on)

Jamie Coomber - a mug, biscuits and general sugar loaded nibbles for added brain power

Matthew Knight - a mug, plastic spoons and napkins (because often, there is no spoon)

Dean Whitbread - a mug, a spoon, a handy MP3 recording device, paper, pencils and an eraser

Jemima Gibbons - a mug, a blanket

Alex Bellinger - bourbon biscuits, a can of red bull and the pot

Anne Marie McEwan - mug, paper, things to write with, possibly my red wind-up robot (not sure about that one)

Amanda Gore - a mug, coffee, tea and milk, a camera

Helen Keegan - a mug, cameraphone (to take pix and do short recordings if req), pen, paper, cushion and/or throw and maybe fairylights if I can find a working set at home.

Mateusz Bartmanski (mat)- digital camera, writing stuff, biscuits, a small thermos flask with tea(only been in london since friday so i dont even have my own mug just yet) and hopefully not my cold.

Rebecca Caroe - post-it notes, felt tip pens, blu tack and a pencil sharpener!

Janet Parkinson - a mug, hot chocolate, spoon, biscuits, pen, paper etc, and blanket (if I can find one...)

Richard Stacy - Milk (I know its not on the list but I guess we will need it for the tea and coffee) plus some paper cups for the mugless.

Joey Baxter - sugar, tea spoons, pictures, flowers 





These are some of the things *I'm* most interested in and would love to have a conversation with some of you about but again, it's neither exhaustive nor prescriptive.

Feel free to add to this or just bring your head along on the day.


  • First Locations
  • Portability
  • Physical Design
  • What's a requirement & what's nice-to-have
  • Other people to bring next time
  • Money
  • What if we're just WRONG about this.


Comments (1)

happyseaurchin said

at 1:02 pm on Apr 27, 2009


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