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Saved by James Norris
on July 2, 2009 at 11:11:27 am


Social Media Cafe




social musicians getting organised




There are a number of musicians who are gathering around the social media cafe, so it seems like there might be a call to get something together, whatever it might be.






Musicians of any kind who might express an interest:


Brendan Cooper http://twitter.com/BrendanCooper / http://brendancooper.com - guitar, bass, done some home production (http://www.last.fm/music/Brendan+Cooper/Human%2C+Being), currently playing in company band. Interested in playing loud music and jumping around on stage and making a fool of himself.

Andy Roberts http://twitter.com/aroberts  / Andy Roberts Music

Solobasssteve http://twitter.com/solobasssteve

Mike O'Hara http://twitter.com/mikeohara/

Lobelia http://twitter.com/lobeliasabo

Laura Kidd http://www.shemakeswar.com / http://twitter.com/warriorgrrl

Lloyd Davis http://twitter.com/lloyddavis

Ben Walker http://www.ihatemornings.com / http://twitter.com/ihatemornings

LJ Rich http://www.twitter.com/LJRICH / http://www.ljrich.com

Joshua March http://www.twitter.com/joshuamarch / http://www.joshuamarch.com

Improbulus http://twitter.com/improbulus / http://www.consumingexperience.com - vocals, OK keys (but nothing portable at the mo, can anyone recommend a keytar?), rusty guitar/bass, lots of decent original songs.

GW Williams rock/blues/jazz/guitar/CD/Concert/ http://twitter,com/GW

dannypayne http://twitter.com/dannypayne drums  mail@dannypayne.com 07807634320

BenjaminEllis http://www.twitter.com/benjaminellis /  http://benjaminellis.org/

Tim Ferguson http://encosion.com/ field recordings, laptop tinkerings and drums (but not for a decade)

Billy Abbott http://billyabbott.co.uk / http://twitter.com/cowfish guitarist and beginning drummer. Former choirboy. There are pictures...

Phil Wain http://philwbass.wordpress.com http://twitter.com/philwbass bassist, improviser and jazzist

Cormac Heron http://itiswhatever.comhttp://twitter.com/cormacheron  banjo, vocals, bass, guitar, mandolin: punk folk, rock & funk

David Stevens http://sustainedsound.com   computer, metal , flugel

James Norris perform as part of Super Mario Bros DJs / @supermariobros / @JamesNorris DJs who use Saxophone / Live technology







What we might do


Open mike session

live jam

remote garageband swap?

or just a party

...just an SMC style get together to swap ideas and hang out

live link up video performance

Swapping notes (e.g. Bb for an E etc)






Lobelia and Steve Lawson, along with Lloyd Davis, are playing at Darbucka in Clerkenwell on June 3rd, and any of you wanting to come along can be on the guestlist - just tweet-me, and I'll add you to the list. Will be a good chance to meet a few folks...





Insert any details, directions, maps, etc. here


Events So Far -


A few of us met up at the Heights Restaurant on 21st May - Steve Lawson, Lobelia, LJ Rich, Lloyd Davis, along with a couple of others who haven't listed themselves here, and some other 'musician-friendly' social media types... Seemed to comprise of a lot of disparate conversations, and I (Steve) can only speak for myself, but it was really nice getting to chat about the mash-up of social media and music, with that as the focus of the conversation... A fun start, something to get us rolling! 

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