
You are the most important aspect of the social media wave. That is, people. Not the organisations in which they are in. I like tuttle for this reason. I like Lloyd's lightness of touch.


I've been a maths teacher for most of my adult life, playing around with self-organisation and social responsibility in my classes, and I hope to transpose the dynamics I have learned to the adult world. With this in mind, please consider the following parameters and how much they correlate to your own experience.

If any of these resonate immediately, then please take the time to contemplate the others a little deeper.


If the entire set ring true, then how does the following business model sound?

Compare this to A Consulting Fluid.


If you are following this far, then you must be crazy. What follows are insights/conclusions from engagement with tuttlers and lloyd.

And if you already know this, then I gotta meet with you!


Twitter: happyseaurchin.