A cafe for media folk of the social kind... in London!
Welcome to The Tuttle Club
We're co-creating a physical space for people interested in social media in London. You can read more on our blog.
We are (still) Prototyping
That means we are getting together in spaces and talking about what this café might really be like and how we take if forward. We've been at the ICA for a year but we're having to take a break.
Check the blog and twitter search for #tuttle to see where we are. All welcome!
***In the Trocadero for first meet in January**
If you would like to help, there are THINGS TO DO.
Things below this line *may* be broken, badly maintained or no longer relevant (or little nuggets of gold, who knows?)
There's an index of sign-up pages from previous events
The sign-up page for the next meetup is always here.
If you can't come along to a meeting please keep contributing on this wiki.
The archive of what was originally on the front page is here
Social Media Musicians: get organised on the new musicians page
Sponsor an event and support us - more info about that here.
Discussion on opportunities and events interesting to both sponsors and our community
Donate some money via paypal to help keep us going. Every little helps!
The list of Tuttle Club members so you can get to know who does what and start networking is here.
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