

Page history last edited by Solobasssteve 14 years, 8 months ago

A cafe for media folk of the social kind... in London!



Welcome to The Tuttle Club


We're co-creating a physical space for people interested in social media in London. You can read more on our blog.


We are (still) Prototyping


That means we are getting together in spaces and talking about what this cafĂ© might really be like and how we take if forward. We have spent time as guests of  the Coach and Horses, the ICA, Leon's, the Trocadero internet cafe and 1000 Heads.


We are currently based at the Centre for Collaborative Creation, 16 Acton Street, London WC1X 9NG, and you can find us there between 10am and 12 noon.


Click here to see a map!


Check the blog and twitter search for #tuttle to see where we are. All welcome!    oyunlar1


If you would like to help, there are several tasks that have to happen to make the Friday meetups work. Please sign up to the Friday service rota to volunteer!



Things below this line *may* be broken, badly maintained or no longer relevant (or little nuggets of gold, who knows?)


There's an index of sign-up pages from previous events


The sign-up page for the next meetup is always here.



If you can't come along to a meeting please keep contributing on this wiki.


The archive of what was originally on the front page is here


Social Media Musicians: get organised on the new musicians page


Sponsor an event and support us - more info about that here.


Discussion on opportunities and events interesting to both sponsors and our community


Donate some money via paypal to help keep us going. Every little helps!


The list of Tuttle Club members so you can get to know who does what and start networking is here.

Comments (5)

Anonymous said

at 4:47 pm on Aug 9, 2007

Have added Governance as a page - should I stick the link in on the front page along with the others - can't seem to put a link in a comment. (P.S. - is there a menu type page where you can see the heirachy of pages created?)

Anonymous said

at 5:41 pm on Aug 9, 2007

Hi Richard, yes please do add it to the Front Page. Not sure about a hierarchy, but there's a link to All Changes in the footer - that's how I got to see your comment :)

Thayer Prime said

at 4:04 pm on Jan 7, 2010

shall try and pop along with Mini Me :) x

Thayer Prime said

at 4:07 pm on Jan 7, 2010

oops wrong page!

chris251984 said

at 12:02 pm on Jul 12, 2010

You don't have permission to comment on this page.